Reader 10/16/2024 (Wed) 18:44 Id: da3f73 No.23024 del
(1.60 MB 1279x720 throw up easily.png)
>1. jews are destroying white history to the letter of our works and arts.
You're right.
>2. This is the fucking jews memory holing everything they can so they can further rewrite history and enslave our white children
You're right.
>3. you are being genocided from every aspect, every molecule of your beautiful white nature, being and history.
You're right.
>4. Stop being a faggot furry tranny pussyboy nigger pink haired
I'm not any of those and you're right.
>5. Be and act white. Proud, educated and intelligent, diginified and faithfilled white man
I would like to presume I am.

Here's the problem: 5 doesn't stop them. Kikes will continue 1 through 3. The only reason I experience "I have to work for a living and it's not fair" is not due to any desire to stop working. I'm the hardest worker at my career's location. The problem is when you combine 5 with a career and then you're surrounded by 4s. Know of the Equal Pay Act? Well, woke kike piece of shit higher ups hire 4s for higher salaries as the veterans of businesses remain on the lower salaries and they simply change the terminology to 'wage differential'. The illegal is now legal because it's different words. So the 4s hired for the exact same job lounge around doing fucking nothing and are paid more money for the same exact jobs as veteran workers are surrounded by the degenerates.