US private sector full-time jobs have DROPPED by nearly 2 MILLION over the past year. Such a drop has never happened outside of recessions.
The only gain in full-time jobs has been in the government sector. The Job market is not only weak, it is collapsing.
THIS.... this right here.... is exactly, precisely the second largest reason that the Democrats lost the Presidential election. While they were stuck in their echo chamber of lies, repeating the falsehood that "the economy is terrific" the rest of the real world knew otherwise.
The first big reason they lost, of course, was inflation: specifically, the price of FOOD.
But to this very day, the radical left-wing cult remain in their echo chamber of lies, only now, they're trying to find a way to block Trump from being inaugurated.
It seems as though the radical left is oblivious to the reality that what they're doing WOULD LIKELY cause an ACTUAL, SHOOTING, Civil War, and that people die in Civil Wars, particularly the people that start them.
As always, the Demoncrats & their RINO neo-con puppets are still desperate to destroy America from within, trying to undermine our democratic elections and subvert the will of The American People.... even though the majority of the country has told them to FUCK OFF already!