J. Goldstein 02/24/2017 (Fri) 12:09:12 No. 36 del
Yeah I hear ya. :) I have such a tough time being a bank manager. Must be great for those lazy millennials living on unemployment. The problem with the youth of today is they have it too easy. They have such a sense of entitlement that getting a job is beneath them. Thank god we have enough immigrants to do the jobs else all the work my generation did building this country would fall apart.
My friend owns a cheese factory. He opens the doors every morning and lets in 50 self employed workers. He says all of them are foreigners. They even wear diapers so they can keep working instead of taking toilet breaks. Where is this work ethic in millennials!? Soon I will retire and take my pension and all my money abroad and leave these millenials in the mess they have created.