Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 14:01:54 No.10472 del
Sounds good.

The big one is a better home page. Over on 8chan's /sudo/ there was a suggestion long ago to add board adverts:
>each BO could submit a paragraph describing their board and an image within certain limits (obviously going through a captcha to stop spam and maybe a limit of changing it once per month)
>adverts manually approved by global/site owner also for suitability (e.g. SFW only, actually descriptive)
>home page loads a few of these on each refresh just like how banners are loaded on boards currently
You can mess with weighting it by board's current traffic to avoid showing dedboards or ones that are already fast but that's just gravy. Shouldn't be too hard but it'll help smaller boards a ton.

On the boards page you could remove PPH, total posts and users as unnecessary information and organise it into 2-3 columns to show many more boards without excessive scrolling. This also helps smaller boards get some visibility. Obviously have the number of columns displayed change with window width which is easily done if you have even basic html/css competence. The goal should be to show as many boards as possible in as small an amount of space as possible.

[x] for hide thread/post is a bit vague, [-] makes more sense but that's really a personal thing. There's no easily visible button for report/global report, is that actually even an option?

Catalog could do with a report thread button and moving the hide thread button up to the end of the replies/images/posts line rather than at the bottom of the OP's content because it's hidden if you need to scroll. Also either force boards to add a missing image file, use a default one when one isn't selected or if the software doesn't support it add one because the catalog looks messy with threads without images.

In general just not deselecting files silently when a captcha fails. Short term just adding a visible reminder to the message you see when you fail a captcha saying 'remember to re-add your images if you had any' would be good because it's very easy to forget. Hiding the delete post box from the bottom of the page until someone actually presses the del button would neaten up the look of a the page immensely. Also for general neatness a margin after 'expand all images' at the top right of a thread is a tiny change but just makes the site feel less thrown together. Whem you resize the quick reply box the captcha stays locked to the left and nothing expands out after it. Adding just some plain background-coloured space after it sized to the window improves this optionally also centre the captcha. Use this extra space to add a reload button for the captcha to the quick reply window because that's missing.

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