Anonymous Admin 09/06/2024 (Fri) 20:39 No.19546 del
>it's totally not possible to log in and out of global mod accounts and switch to a board owner account
This is really a great topic for you because despite I can tell you the facts that:
1. I am not the BO of that particular board or any other that you use;
2. I do not have a second account;
3. I do not know if any of the global staff has alternative accounts - used or not as BO account of any board;
and you can always say I'm lying, and sweep everything off the table. I can't give evidence on something that does not exists - but to be frank the burden of proof is on you.
And you have nothing but this malicious idea, an accusation which basis only exists in your mind. But you can spread it, creating only suspicion, denigrating our character. So, so typical.
What will be next? Demanding us to de-anonymize ourselves? Check everyone for hidden accounts?
Let's go into the hypothetical:
What if a global is a BO of too? What if he sees an issue on the board where he is BO, and decides he won't ban on global level, won't ban the user from the whole site, but on local, and only on the board? How unjust!! Right? Do you want all the bans to be global? It would make my job here easier since you could not post, and won't need to continue this pointless conversation.