Cant apply ban due to wrong Captcha Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 08:41 No.19550 del
(372.32 KB 792x527 SUNSHINE.jpg)
When trying to apply a ban to a CP Spammer in /bbg/ I just get 'wrong Captcha' despite about a dozen attempts. Used reload to get a new Captcha each time and relogged in multiple times. Hash bans, scrubbing media and deleting the post worked fine. I am aware the ban has limited effect as the spammers just change IP but I still want to at least try to make it less convenient for them.

Related question: if a CP post is deleted is the now orphaned picture automatically deleted from Endchans servers or do the pics need to be scrubbed beforehand? I can see that hash banning a pic does not automatically delete it from the post.