Anonymous 06/11/2018 (Mon) 03:25:13 No.9261 del
>"I'm Adolf owns every one that you visit" wasn't even a coherent sentence.
>why don't you just ask the BO's (sorry BO - I'm Adolf owns every one that you visit)
I'm ashamed that I even have to explain this to the de facto (not de jure) board 'owner' of my favorite board, /pol/. He's saying why don't you just ask the BO's (plural) (also he should be saying BOs' not BO's) of each board to enable CAPATCHA, then he adds an 'insult': saying that whoever he's replying to only visits Boards owned by you (/pol/ counts as yours in a de facto sense.). 'I'm Adolf' is a strawman version of 'AdolfHitler,' implying that you're a LARPer.

>I'm Adolf
a proper noun meaning you
a action verb meaning what you do (p.s. you own /pol/ de facto through your effort compared to the de jure owner, G_C
a adjective modifying one
in this case a noun meaning board
filler word

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