Endwall 08/24/2018 (Fri) 22:30:59 No.1299 del
$ torsocks proxychains -f ~/bin/proxychains.conf curl www.google.com

This works with random chain , however

$ torsocks proxychains -f ~/bin/proxychains.conf iceweasel

Doesn't work. It tries to open a library (libproxychains.so) and can't (probably restricted by torsocks).

So ($ torsocks proxychains)seems to work for some applications (terminal/console applications) but not well with GUI applications. For that just just use proxychains in strict-chain mode and handle the proxies manually, or call it as you wrote earlier with two instances of proxychains with different configs. I'm using proxychains-ng, because that's in the hyperbola repository. I'll go find the original and build it from source.

Anyways don't listen to the naysayers, proxychains is a useful tool in some circumstances.