Endwall 09/14/2019 (Sat) 21:23:01 No.1460 del
Shale usually contains trace amounts of the elements Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium, as radioactive isotopes. Go to the mountains or wherever you can find rock outcrops and bring a hammer and a burlap sack. Smack off some shale and sandstone from the rocks, and then bring them home. Smash these up with the hammer using protective eye wear in the back yard. Place the rock chips into your burlap sack. This will serve as the radioactive source. Your Geiger counter will go into the bag and connect via RS-232 to your 8-bit computer. The accumulation count of gamma ray / decay event detection in a 5 second window, will be counted every 5 seconds. If the 5 second decay count is even store a 0, if the count is odd store a 1. Every 40 seconds a random byte will be created. Write these in sequence to a 1.44MB A:\ floppy disk. This is either your key for your one time pad or a random seed to use for pseudo random number generation.