Endwall 01/31/2022 (Mon) 06:26:14 No.1769 del
Yeah I'm the person who posted on 8chan/tech. It turned out poorly. The situation does not appear to be improving. Socially and financially it appears terminal. My computer surveillance problems also remain largely unsolved, even after everything I've learned and implemented. I am under audio surveillance in my home,land line telephone surveillance, computer network surveillance, and man on the street surveillance. My bank accounts are under surveillance and I'm drowning in credit debt, with insufficient income to sustain a positive outcome. I am financially destitute and socially isolated. I can't find work beyond my low end part time job. Every attempt has been interfered with and blocked since around 2014.

Apparently I'm also a public celebrity. The level of the gang-stalking and harassment went full Truman show. It is cross border and probably international. The main instigators of the crime are actually my own family members who are all face rubbing hand waving shit heads. I don't rub my face or scratch my face in counted sequences to communicate with people. I learned about the basics of the issue in 2010 after a massive harassment campaign against me. The problem was going on as far back as 1997 after recollection, but I didn't recognize that it was organized until around 2009.

People I don't even know seem genuinely angry at me for reasons I don't even understand. They jump over themselves to lie about me, impersonate me on some public-private messaging service that I don't have access to, and insert themselves in my path in order to portray that I am either retarded, a moron, a homosexual, a stalker, a skirt chaser, a drunk, a drug abuser etc. All lies.

I'm mostly at home doing my online courses for college these days, so unless I go outside I don't have any issues except for with my mom. My mom stands in front of the door to my room when she gets home from work and does hand signs and gestures and sneers at me and repeats slogans like ("It ain't happening!", "Enough is Enough!" etc.), she's a fucking robot shit head. She's also become a MAGA, Q-ANON, conspiracy follower, and repeats lies to me about these things as if they are facts. I have stopped trying to debate with her about these things as it is a waste of time. Regarding my situation, my mom says platitudes to me like "Pray to God and it will get better!", "It will all work out, you just have to believe.", etc. She's actually part of the problem.

The number of people in society in North America who participate in face rubbing, hand sign waving, and robotic phrase repetition, ("Thank you so much", "This is it", "That is all"), command and control, is around 99% of the population. Democracy is an illusion, we live under totalitarian command and control organized by witch covens, cults, Freemasons, pimps, prostitutes, drug cartels, socialist communists, corporations and fascists. I'm not going to bother calling it freemasonry or some other fancy name. I'll call it what it is, Organized Crime and modern day Slavery. Military Government Totalitarian Slavery. I am 100% not involved in this group it's appendages or its training, but I can see its effects everywhere especially on my own life outcomes.

Due to the surveillance, harassment and public messaging network impersonation and negative public-private marketing against me ( where I assume people gain negative opinions about me), I expect to be financially troubled, and socially isolated for the remainder of my life. I've had around 14 years of continuous decline in my financial and social circumstances due to this campaign against me. We'll see how it goes, but it doesn't look good. My interest in computer network privacy, security and anonymity is directly related to my experiences being harassed and suppressed. I hope that answers your question.