Tor Endwall 12/22/2016 (Thu) 05:25:14 No. 732 del
''' Tor is released: finally, a new stable series!
Posted December 19th, 2016'''

by nickm in release stable tor

Tor is the first stable release of the Tor 0.2.9 series.

The Tor 0.2.9 series makes mandatory a number of security features that were formerly optional. It includes support for a new shared- randomness protocol that will form the basis for next generation hidden services, includes a single-hop hidden service mode for optimizing .onion services that don't actually want to be hidden, tries harder not to overload the directory authorities with excessive downloads, and supports a better protocol versioning scheme for improved compatibility with other implementations of the Tor protocol.

And of course, there are numerous other bugfixes and improvements.

This release also includes a fix for a medium-severity issue (bug 21018 below) where Tor clients could crash when attempting to visit a hostile hidden service. Clients are recommended to upgrade as packages become available for their systems.

You can download the source code from the usual place on the website. Packages should be up within the next few days, with a
TorBrowser release planned for early January.

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