Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 19:13:01 Id: 50ad34 No.28 del
More National Socialist Literature on the way.

This time it is none other than Goebbels. Despite oratory skills second only to Hitler within the Reich, Goebbels works tended to be short, sweet and to the point.

>Communism with the Mask Off
This is a copy of a fairly long speech given tot he Seventh National Socialist Party Congress, 1935.

Extremely similar to Mosley's Fascism 100 Questions Asked and Answered, this pamphlet length publication covers the very basic principles of National Socialist policy in Germany

A very interesting work. Semi-autobiographical in nature it follows the protagonist, Michael in his post WW1 experiences. Written in poetic form, I'm certain the German version has beauty to it that any tranlation will lack. Nonetheless it is a wonderfully artistic look into the Weimar republic.

Lastly and because I only have one book of his, the infamous Goring.

>Germany Reborn
A 45 page pamphlet outlining the purpose of the German people and National Socialist movement