Anonymous 04/23/2019 (Tue) 02:21:47 Id: dfc570 No.854 del
(101.28 KB 900x552 saasasa.png)
(127.73 KB 894x595 isdhi.png)
(174.26 KB 955x554 gugygugygy.png)
(219.09 KB 1117x604 assadsasadasd.png)
(157.22 KB 953x592 aaaaa.png)
used pngquant -s9 --nofs *.png
No idea what quantizing the images meant then i see IT CUTS THE FILESIZE IN HALF holy crap that is useful thanks anon! I had been using trimage and getting ~20% compression at best. Now i can cut these down even 20% more. Sorry it took a while to finally see what the command did and test it but what a wonderful tip thanks anon.