Anonymous 12/02/2019 (Mon) 01:33:21 Id: c5a6e9 No.77350 del
The first episode of the Man Show features them bragging about all the bodies buried in the Hoover Dam walls, as they stand on it. The Hoover Dam used occult architecture and features an Alchemical themed man coming out of the water plaque. Pic related breaks down the symbolism. The Man Show had a weird subliminal prison scene insert just before a Shriner scene. [Embed]
1:24 prison bars
1:30 Shriners

Super Jail seemed to advertise our prison society. [Embed]
1:26 sun, moon, Saturn, shooting star, five point stars, lightning [Embed]
The opening scene of the Last Boyscout is a hashishin style human sacrifice. The guy pops drugs to Arabian violin before killing three players, and them himself, on the Masonic football field. The cheerleaders wear white robes like Isis priests. Record high script price.

Bruce Willis drops a line about believing in cancer as the enter an apartment, alluding to the cave of the nymphs in Homer's(propagandist) Odyssey. The black guy finds his hidden stash of drugs(Ulysses hidden treasure), and the receipt he reads off shows a calendar progression from Cancer to Capricorn. The end scene also may have a codded 911 message in the football sign numbers. [Embed]
Here Bruce Willis attains his victory over death. He dances a jig to adhere to an earlier sworn oath, "I swear to Christ I'll dance a jig if if make it through this." He's between two horns = Capricorn. The scene is full of light allusion. The earlier apartment search scene alluded to the Cancer entrance of the Cave of the Nymphs. This end scene is him ascending the Saturn Gate as an immortal being of light.

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