Anonymous 12/06/2019 (Fri) 21:28:39 Id: c5a6e9 No.77527 del
The last pic in this post shows some interesting symbolism in Dairangers. The evil child is fished out of hell by a fishing rod.

The second frame show a palm in the background. the fifth shows a pyramid insert; subliminal pyramid inserts are common throughout the series. Other notable symbols; Nostradamus, five point star, 777, Demon, one eye, soccer ball, sealing the demons with a Bengal tiger, oval = world egg, all seeing one eye, upside down pyramid, tarot/playing cards, resurrection, the three bad guys wear gay BDSM gear(strap on eye piece on the main guy), Tammuz/Zeus/Satan lightning.

Daijinryuu(the space dragon) symbolizes Taoist notions of balance of good and evil. Manly P Hall said the western mystery schools learned duality from the east. Taoism originally taught good and evil were the same and should be balanced. Confucianism later added a morality favoring good.

In Taoist metaphysics, distinctions between good and bad, along with other dichotomous moral judgments, are perceptual, not real; so, the duality of yin and yang is an indivisible whole. In the ethics of Confucianism on the other hand, most notably in the philosophy of Dong Zhongshu (c. 2nd century BC), a moral dimension is attached to the idea of yin and yang.[6]

Giant God Dragon / Daijinryuu [Embed]
Daijinryuu (大神龍 Daijinryū, Great God Dragon) is a giant dragon who was created by the universe to preserve the natural balance of the cosmos. According to Kameo, the reason for his appearance is to stop the human race's foolish conflict by destroying the Earth. Because of this neutral standpoint, he will kill anyone, innocent or guilty, if he deems them a threat to the universal balance.

Similar to the Mythical Chi Beast RyuseiOh, Daijinryuu largely resembles a Chinese dragon. While traversing the universe, it appears serpentine as it flies.

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