Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 16:27:42 Id: 7d7e09 No.79807 del
I've been trying to do this to a few friends, but I've also been wondering how to properly red pill them while appearing as a sane, smart person with logical explanations instead of making myself look like blaming a bunch of kikes for the world problems and a conspiracy nut. I've gotten some common ground with a few friends due to shared acknowledgments which I can further proceed from there, however there are some of them who are hard to convince, even if the facts are shown in front of their faces (or they quickly scan and dismiss it without reading through the whole information). Are any tips and steps from successful anons on how to properly red pill people (both whites and non-whites) on the jews and National Socialism, preferably in a short amount of time? I would greatly appreciate it.