Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 13:56:10 Id: cffe40 No.81520 del
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve - Eustace Mullins (1983, 3rd ed)

This book was suppose to replace The Creature from Jekyll Island on Politically Incorrect Books #23.
An anon from 8kun's /pdfs/ said the following.
>a slight criticism: the creature from jekyl island is a. kosher version of Eustice Mullin's jew-critical book about the federal reserve. IMO Mullin's book is the better choice.
To which the OP agreed, replying.
>yeah you're right, have replaced and updated image
As far as I know there is no updated image but The Creature from Jekyll Island was missing from the collection and The Secrets of the Federal Reserve was there.
So I decided to 'correct' the collection by adding The Creature from Jekyll Island and removing The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, now posting it here as an extra.