Anonymous Board owner 07/29/2020 (Wed) 23:10:43 Id: b9d8f7 No.81526 del
>I realize this incident is considered fantasy in this place
It's not just "considered" fantasy. The jewish holocaust is a fantasy. I've seen much of the "paper evidence" and it's usually hand drawn depictions plus lying jews about surviving nails driven into their heads or masturbation to death machines. Nobody's posting anything supporting the holocaust hoax here. I would ban the living shit out of anyone doing so. Mock the fraud. Don't support it. Pour over this: Or you can simply search the internet if you want pozzed jewish lies. There are plenty of lying kike "sources", especially on Hasbarat Wikipedia.

>The Art of the Deal - Donald Trump (1987)
>Crippled America - Donald Trump (2015)
Peddling the orange jew isn't a very bright idea here.
>The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Christopher Bjerknes (2006) [PDF]
Bjerknes villifies Hitler both in some of his books and on Know More News with Adam Greenberg. The reference is fine, but he is a Strasserist traitor.
>Stalin - The Enduring Legacy by Kerry Bolton
Which is pro-Stalin "he wasn't so bad it's all lies!" propaganda. Yet..
>Stalin's Other War: Soviet Grand Strategy

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Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 07/29/2020 (Wed) 23:39:39.