Anonymous 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:43:57 Id: 1d3c6e No.81771 del
>Go ahead. Ask me why Jim's a jew.
>No idea and don't care
I get what you are saying, but how are we going to wake people up? You can't just expect people to magically come here and turn into NatSocs, especially after seeing on the front page "Insulting National Socialism or Hitler, or promoting jewish degeneracy, will result in an immediate ban". People are way too brainwashed today, and some of them beyond repair. Must we not use all the available platforms to advance forward the movement? 4chan is more shitty than not, but you can still find there threads and people who are not bluepill normies or JIDFs. Especially after the massive plebbit subreddit ban , 4chan has seen an increase in visitors.