Anonymous 09/09/2020 (Wed) 04:38:49 No.82126 del
(11.20 KB 560x440 latex-vs-html.gif)
>I still have the original LibreOffice .odt document that can be edited but placing the images correctly is incredibly difficult, because moving an image or adding more text in one chapter has a knock on effect that moves all of the images following out of place.
I advise using LaTeX rather than LibreOffice for your next book. LaTeX is a doucment markup and preparation language that allows you to focus on the structure of your document rather than layout. You can use statements such as \label{hitler} then \ref{hitler} to dynamically refer to sections and figures. You can designate sections and chapters and then generate a table of contents. There's a bit of a learning curve but it pays off compared to the tedium of manual adjustments that WYSIWYG editors require. See picture.