Anonymous 12/10/2020 (Thu) 17:19:48 Id: a4d6f0 No.83212 del
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I know what an ad hominem is. I don't need you to define it. In this case, the insult is very valid. I not only said Kenney is a Zionist cuck. I proved it. If you think you're capable of providing a speaker who is not a willing shabbos goy who has zero integrity because he's a cuck for jews, by all means, try it. Nothing Kenney says can be trusted.

>Fareed Zakaria but accidentally spells his name jewish
>"elitist globalists" not jews
You're pretty good at standing behind compromised garbage.

You missed the entire point so since you like to use red text, I'll help you see what you glossed over.
Fuck Jason Kenney the Zionist cuck. Never trust jews. Never trust traitors.
I don't need to refute the words of slaves for ZOG. No-one does. Everything those slaves say will be compromised because they're fed their words by their jewish masters.
You've provided two already. Try not to next time.