Anonymous 07/02/2021 (Fri) 00:49:13 Id: 623bf4 No.84932 del
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>I haven't done an episode of Germania in video format in a very long time but I'm going to change that and try to upload more frequently.

Just take your time to do good work anon. And post a copy of your videos here if you can. Easier to share around. And just post consistently if possible

>The amount of "aid" that goes to Israel cannot be understated. Without all the billions of dollars and Euros Israel would be an agrarian state with a failed economy.

Even with all of the money, that place is still a dump. It's almost like a third world country. Literal african failed state style of living. Over there, the people at the top get everything while everyone else is barely getting by.

That along with the israeli government 'Literally funding Hamas in order to terrorize it's own citizens Yes, Hamas is funded by the literal israeli government. I can dump the info related to it here if needed and being surrounded by neighboring countries that hate their guts make living there a nightmare. No I don't live there. I have people give me info. And that's as far as I go and as much as I can say on that