Book-Anon #J+0Lc9 07/08/2021 (Thu) 08:35:24 Id: 817ebf No.84958 del
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>but I really hope you are aware of the risks you are going through by voicing in these videos and by seeding that torrent.
I am aware of the risks, but that torrent failed months ago and I'm not seeding it.

>I admire your courage. I will backup your work on the platform I've mention long time ago, not really secure but great to spread info.
Thank you.

Right now I am assembling a list of creations and discoveries made by the Third Reich for a scene in the film which is in production. Can anons here think of more things to this list?

Creation of polyurethane
Creation of the Richter magnitude scale
Discovery of nuclear fission
World’s First Scanning Electron Microscope
World’s First Public Television Station (Fernsehsender Paul Nipkow)
World’s First Nerve Agent (Tabun)
World’s First Modern Assault Rifle

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