Anonymous Board owner 10/16/2021 (Sat) 03:34:19 Id: 4a93ca No.85791 del
(5.34 MB 1920x1080 Jim the jew.webm)
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Your video has been well put together and mostly has good information. Having watched it, I can say the video would trigger offense in "broad based new people" for many reasons which I really don't have a problem with. A lot is great work exposing jews. However, one reason I do take issue with is the sad music about the collapse of pedophilia promoting Librechan. It's too out there. The boards displayed in the video are a clear indication of such pedo shit. This is bad especially after the extended explanation of stalking Mara. My point is, it's not going to sit well with any target audience and especially not actual National Socialists. There will be backlash every time. Let's not forget jews have been the pedophilic child murderers throughout the centuries. Also, there are extended circumstances involving Jim. This videos proves he is in fact a filthy jew (only a jew would take jews breaking into his home and spin it into "this was like Kristallnacht!").