Book-Anon #J+0Lc9 10/16/2021 (Sat) 07:07:43 Id: d66cc0 No.85794 del
>Ellie Reeve kike.jpg
Would have been good to include but its already made. She was the one who interviewed the hotdud when he whined "We need a UN council to control the internet".

>However, one reason I do take issue with is the sad music about the collapse of pedophilia promoting Librechan. It's too out there. The boards displayed in the video are a clear indication of such pedo shit.
I think Librechan had a lot of potential and was similar to the early phase of 8chan. Lots of anons from /b/ went there. 8chan /pol/ was bleeding hundreds of users because of Imkampfy's purges, and if there was a competent board Librechan, they could have migrated their and retain the community, instead of the widespread dissipation which happened. Loads quit imageboards all together.

>My point is, it's not going to sit well with any target audience and especially not actual National Socialists. There will be backlash every time.
The video has 6 Likes so far, and I've gained a couple subscribers. I have received good feedback from a National Socialist channel about the video. I think it will do well.

>Let's not forget jews have been the pedophilic child murderers throughout the centuries.
Pictures and PDF book related.