Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 21:58:06 Id: 4f9796 No.86434 del
(22.35 KB 1146x153 again.png)
>Did you really believe you could shill christianity with one face, and tell people to kill themselves, shut up and disappear with another?

>because his commie enemies used atheism
Actually stalin opened Churches up again during WWII. He closed them afterwards to start a cult dedicated to him. Dude was crazy.

>No politician who wages wars actually believes in christ. Check 6th commandment, do you see an excuse saying 'it's okay to murder for your people'?

Nah, 6th is actually "don't murder people" not kill. It was more of acting in self defense and not randomly murdering people like a psychopath a kike I mean It's still not good though.

>since you don't actually believe in christ nor follow his wisdom,
NT is super anti kike from top to bottom so I don't see why he's wrong

>nazis tried to use their enemy's tool
reposting this again just because

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