Anonymous 02/07/2022 (Mon) 23:03:57 Id: d6d572 No.86438 del
>hitler used christianity
How pathetic do you have to be to claim something like that? As a German, I consider this a great insult to our Führer and to us, the German people. If you do not like how Hitler/National Socialism stands to Christianity, then look for another ideology instead of polluting ours and insulting our Führer! If you read the speeches of Hitler then you can no longer claim that he was anti-Christian! You are ridiculous, and I laugh at you every day because you are just pathetic. Get as upset as you want about us Christians - National Socialism is Christian.
Stay mad. I do not care.

By the way: For claiming that Hitler lied about Christianity in his speeches, you would be jailed in the Third Reich (Führer insult).