Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 23:04:00 Id: 2a7838 No.86639 del
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>You linked Duck & Cover unironically? Come on, dude.

The reason for this was the post-bomb assesment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, reviewing the survivors, their conditions, and so on. The reason for Duck and Cover is to protect you from the flash, and then flying debreies from the resulting shockwave, which is far reaching like an earthquake. After this point, Nuclear Fallout leading to contamination is your concern.

The Ministry of Infomration's Bulitens for Britons in the event of Nuclear War: [Embed]

Yet another film on Fallout: [Embed]

Iodine is an essential nutrient. After enemy attack, Iodine can be used in very large amounts to temporarily halt hormone production in the thyroid and treat radiation sicknesses. This amount is much larger than dietary dosages, so plan accordingly.

1. Try to be as far away from the blast zone as possible to not get hit with the heatwave.

2. Survive the air pressure blast - Get into a concrete building and the lowest floor you can be in. Stay away from windows.

3. Survive the radiation. - There will be radiation falling from the sky. Cover the windows if they got blown out and try not to let air get inside for 3 days. Don't go outside for 3 days. After 3 days you can start to let air into the room you are in. You should try to stay inside where you are for like a week to be safe if you have the time. After a week you can go outside and travel.
3. Once outside, don't touch anything or eat food that may have been touched by falling radiation.

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