Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:46:57 Id: ea4510 No.86789 del
It's not only unified currency. They're unifying Communism as the west is consumed by apparently a senile, Zionist imbecile whom is countering mass inflation with a bill to take $1.5 Trillion from U.S. taxpayers. I can't help but think demented Biden and the fall of the North American empire is all part of (((their))) plan. Full of shit U.S. military idiots have been claiming they could take on all of Russia. As usual, the Dogface soldiers (WW2 term for loyal to the point of blind stupidity) believe the hype. The reality is that the U.S. military couldn't get a handle on Vietnam, Korea, Iraq or Afghanistan and everybody's forgetting about U.S. Cold War failure despite all of this Cold War nostalgia.