Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 12:10:22 Id: 0e699e No.87076 del
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>I will add that Russians seem to be mass brainwashed about (or terrified of the consequences of speaking against) Putin. I have spoken to many and have seen many more interviewed about him specifically by visitors.
In first place most of volodya shelmov putins supporters range from generations that were born during cold war (and most important thing that also most of social security money fills on this group) or their children which they got it by sharp indoctrination.
One thing that westerners sometimes forget about any opposition in russia that is simply said any form of nationalism that does not spin around nazbol or zionism is strongly suppresed since apparently russia started to exist as nation since 1920.

>Many believe National Socialists are bad, because they're easily led fucking idiots
Yes in russia this is probbably strongest thing, a anger around operation barbarossa (because who apart of few knows about operation thunderstorm anyway right?) since zion carves their national identity from early ussr to present.

>I can't explain the mass refusal to disconnect from believing jewish narratives.
From my observations i think its caused by sort of fake world of competition apetized by entertainment as escapism (i cannot explain it properly simply said imagine sort of matrix like world of haopy falsehood or something like when someone sees something is off so he just pops up quick fix to again see the world as jolly place)