Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 04:02:17 Id: ea4510 No.87101 del
I don't think there was ever an intent to win. This would have been done already if the purpose at face value was deliberate. Russia's military obviously outnumbers Ukraine's, and of course we're talking about two kikes "against" each other here. For jews, the world is a stage. They're always acting which is an exact synonym for lying yet people have lost awareness of that. There's no way they're not engaging in yet another "everybody panic globally" scare as jew media has been doing for too long now. You may be right about that being one of the goals.

>And your (((...))) don't matter more
Great. Another visitor who doesn't give a shit if someone is a kike. You realize that train of thought won't last long here, right? I'll warn you ahead of time. Do not defend any jew whatsoever here. The purpose of this board really should be obvious by now.