Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 07:30:19 Id: 0e699e No.87106 del
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>Maybe the older generation
Not only older generation it is also by large chance their children or grandchildren since you can make child believe in anything if you try hard enough

>They said that people in Russia would get sent to jail just for saying anything remotely bad about their (((government))).
Yep even young migrants in Slovakia who either work or study here have same to say well apart of old vatniks who promedate themself as gods here because We WuZ lIBerAtOrs.

You know that you see another comical Zog goverment when you can get arrested by blowing a FSB building in videogame (yes i am referencing that child who in minecraft blew up FSB building)

>Also putains married one of his daughters off to an oligarch kike. As if there's not enough reason to dislike him
Now thats another salt to wound after he gave respects and war veteran titles to occupying forces in ČSSR during prague spring.