Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 05:20:05 Id: ea4510 No.87658 del
>Also, do you work for infostormer anon?
No, I do not. 'Kittenstormer' has a pro Russia bias because he knows Zelensky is a jew. He's JQ aware but naive about a few things, like not being aware Putin is a kike. I post from certain sites to try to keep this board alive. If kikes are said to be wailing, I'll post that they are. The sources I use are : Infostormer, Renegade Tribune, Christians for Truth, Zerohedge and National Vanguard. There were more ZOG revealing sites, but then some turned against National Socialist Germany with the usual lies and ended up being thrown out. Infostormer will be discarded as crap if Kittenstormer ever goes that far or similar.
>Also, this article
There's a reason I don't post Kitten/Info-stormer's pro Russia BS links. I only take what makes sense. He's had a few false narrative news links I haven't posted here for good reason simply because he was wrong. I don't believe his site is related to AndrewWouldFuckAjew InterracialAnglin's The Daily Stormer.
>How did you find this board?
About the end of 2016 after being made aware of here and banned at 8chan, I think, if I'm remembering correctly.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/02/2022 (Thu) 05:30:57.