Anonymous 06/12/2022 (Sun) 15:03:44 Id: d92f8c No.87747 del
(579.74 KB 882x2943 1613473778631.png)
>(((they))) really don't like Slavs/Eastern Europeans in general for some

I have a theory on why it is
Maybe it is because of for some reason from all what we had endured from genkis khan to the bolshevism we sort of still are standing like a force of nature (practically all aryans and non aryans but since slavs are on topic, slavs are on topic)

What did genkis khan done to slavs to cripple them? Actually they crippled themself whatever in medival ages or in present ukraine
What damages did ottomans or hungarians? Many but still slavs endured and in case of hungarians they bleached themself and created honestly good achievements trough slavic and german genes

What bolsheviks done to slavs? Yes they did the biggest damages but still slavs exist and are almost the same apart of vice of crab mentality that jewish bolsheviks bringed upon eastern europe and balkans.

In imageboards dictionary i would say slavs are too autistic to bow

Or if i remember (((Marx))) also mentioned why slavs are disliked by his kind but thats just my speculation now for which i dont have time to search material now

>I wish for to follow the path of the germans for a better future for the aryan race, not many of my countrymen will agree with what I have to say, but those that do will never falter, not until their last breath

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