Anonymous 12/15/2022 (Thu) 02:07 Id: 7d34c2 No.89414 del
>/pol/ will make you a god or an ostracized hateful racist neo-nazi
>Spend 30 minutes on /pol/ or some other right-wing side,
>especially Libertarian sites
Don't you know what a jew's Trojan Horse is? Whomever came up with those posts in your image was an infiltrating rat because lies were inserted into paragraphs of truth on purpose. That is how kikes get to you on sites where everyone is vigilant. Now, how about you explain how one man can make 1,000 men flee? Because I am fit, I do have what the brainwashed consider one of the best jobs and I do have a loud and commanding voice. I don't watch television because kikes control the majority of "entertainment". Besides family, I'm not incapable of freeing minds from a lifetime of jewish indoctrination. The problem is, every time I do that, those bastards engage in the old 'white flight'. They either find out about the North West Front and move or simply decide to pack up and get away. Why this happens is that my region is particularly infested with shitskins and I've opened the other person's eyes. No amount of further convincing stops them from fleeing. So here I am surrounded by spics, niggers and kikes in positions of authority and I have been for so long I'm used to it.

Fuck jews. I don't give a shit about niggers. There are billions of negroes. Nobody stands a chance in removing them unless first the jewish tick is removed from the nation. Kikes brought negroes over as slaves during the Trans Atlantic slave trade in the first place and have championed open borders for many decades. This is where specifics on how "one man can make a thousand flee" would come in handy. Do you actually have that information? It's strange how you wouldn't already put that to use if you know of it. I haven't heard of anyone causing thousands of jews and niggers to get the fuck out of our nations.