Anonymous 12/16/2022 (Fri) 01:34 Id: 7d34c2 No.89418 del
That entire explanation you gave is not an answer to how one man can cause a thousand to flee.

While I could follow your advice and use my paychecks to buy gold and use Monero, the point remains that I still have to earn money from a shitty corporate job - and the vast majority of corporations have jewish CEOs. I would still be in the system. I would still be in the nation kikes run as they hold the highest positions of government, and with no escape as many other countries are ran by them as well. The "white flight" I talked about from those whose minds I freed of jewish programming did not solve their problems. Huge surprise there. They have contacted me to tell me nothing has changed. They can't go anywhere to escape. There is no escape. So. Again, the very solution to how one man can make a thousand flee should be in your mind. After all, you claimed it. Spell it out.