Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 18:45 Id: 2dddb1 No.89434 del
>Now in urban warfare if we had enough numbers for a civil war against kike bastards, attacking the power grid frequently would be a solution. What we lack is those numbers. I have scrutinized many silly suggestions from capeshit to lone shooter public violence to "in minecraft" destruction to spiritual power gaining bullshit to doing mind altering drugs. Nothing has ever made enough sense besides increasing numbers. There is the problem. Fucking white flight every time I free a mind. Those that fled are as good as traitors.

We have numbers, but not in the jewish cities. The people in the jewish cities are for the most part weak, fat, don't know how to fight, will fight each other without their 1st world life style provided to them by whites. The non-whites are horrible at fighting. they all scatter once loud sounds start occurring lol. they scatter like vermin. Our plan is to drive all non-whites south into mexico or force them into labor camps and then drive them south into mexico. I think you are kind of missing the point. The reason why jews can attract so many illegal invaders here is because they give them a 1st world life style off of the white man's back. Without electricity in their demonic Jewish cities this 1st world life style comes crumbling down and so does the jewish racket. If the Jew can't keep the electricity on, then it becomes very apparent that the 1st world life style is gone and won't be coming back. Whites don't have a problem living a 1st world life style without electricity but the non-whites get reduced back to their 3rd world living standards because they could never live a 1st world life style without it being on the backs of hard working white men.

Remove the electricity from all Jewish Cities and watch them crumble because the quality of life goes right back to their 3rd world status.

>Which brings me to the question of "who". Who do we have to blame for losing our nations the world across? Jews for acting their double-crossing back-stabbing degenerate nation destroying selves? Niggers for acting like wild animals and flooding nations the jews opened borders for? Or is it traitors to our own kind who allowed this to happen for so long in the first place?

Jews and their Usury. This is what it stems from.