sage sage 02/25/2023 (Sat) 22:09 Id: 8786a7 No.89888 del
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>Adolf Hitler's life would have gone were he to be Dionysian Humanist, rather than National Socialist
Hitler would have rejected Dionysus. It's like you don't get that I understand what that Greek god represents. I'm aware of Greek mythology. I took courses on their religions. It's how I know the OT and NT originated from Greek.
>Rather than becoming involved in politics, Hitler focuses on creating art
Hitler did focus on creating art. He painted three times a day. It was the popularity of degenerate art which he did not create that caused his rejection from The Vienna Academy of "Fine" Arts. You can guess what "type of people" promoted that degenerate art the Vienna Academy was so obsessed with. If Hitler was not rejected by them, he would have continued painting rather than joining politics.

>Most people would hate being forced to read anything.
Reading must stem from a curiosity and desire to do so. In my case, a desire to know about the enemy. Hate never stopped me from reading.
>Whatever happened to him?
He traveled (Europe I think?) and handed off the board to G_C who grew tired and disgusted with the CP spam and handed it off to me. We have all three deleted illegal images (and banned the posters for many years). However, that illegal shit was just nudity. I have daughters and work in health care. It didn't phase me. The intent the sick spammers meant is what is disgusting.
>Let's be real, all Abrahamic religion encourages its subjects to behave like slaves.
You presume, of course because you're unfamiliar with the fact the tribe invents nothing, that the mainstream belief Christianity as a religion stems from Hebrew language. It does not. (((They))) only claim it does. They've made their changes since the King James version, and especially with the Scofield (notorious con artist) bible. I know of many verses which expose the tribe. Verses they've been trying to have changed or removed.
>The Jews unlikely experience paranoias like you, BO, because they can trust goyim, for the most part
You have clearly skipped over the images of verses from their Talmud, which I provided for an obvious reason. The jews never trust Gentiles. We are the "goyim", ie-cattle, to them for a reason. They believe themselves "Chosen" and we as the slaves. They believe they are the master race and turned that around on National Socialism when it was never the case. This was all proven before, ITT.
>"Jewish Beast"

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