Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 19:48 Id: 17bfeb No.90407 del
> It looks somewhat better in a distance
You just remove fag flag and racemixing and its mistly no different excelt i doubt in west families start to be matriarchal and by that raising often menchildren or cucks having siezures when you eat any form of sugar or red meat or refuse sucrose
>They shilled hard over their owned mainstream media. Now "gay is ok" and fags getting kicked out is a thing of pride for them
More was a case that they exposed public to that degeneracy that it normalized itself with of that old smearing as some kind of fear or something like that (simply that feminine suggesting and gasligtning
in present) since medecine tastes better when its combined with sugar with undermining of family unit and family roles
Like when zamocka street shooter happened
The flood was enourmous and some kind of cucking of throwing that shooter under the bus with misusing the laws meaning of defilement of nation or its races beliefs

>What's there to be proud about when someone's shoving their dick in one's asshole?
None. Its just an avanguard of destabilization with feminism cultural marxism etc. like were niggers and marxists in 60s before stonewall riots
There is nothing honorable or idealistic to sin against natural order and then getting himself removed from genepool by aids as nature must take action against it since its children cannot every time do all the dirty work

>There is nothing left but the collapse and a glimmer of hope that the "fringe" (which is us) will pick up the pieces and rebuild the way it's supposed to be.
But why i would take a pieces of zog and make them into something better? We are followers of eternal teaching of blood and soil which evolved back from being just a political partys program into being a new faith of nature and not one of the decieved souls who care of nothing more but a satisfaction of their material and primal urges

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