Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 01:56 Id: 7ca4cc No.90430 del
It can be taxing if you dedicate a lot of time to it. G_C (the previous BO) left out of disgust for certain posts I will not mention to not give sick kikes any ideas. Back then, server issues defaulted board owner to him again. He handed it over to me twice. The posts were that disturbing to him. I have an unfortunate apathy, desensitized to all forms of perverse degeneracy. I'll still recognize jewish agendas and ban them, but they're hilarious when they think they're attempting any attack of value. What do they think they will accomplish here by constantly reinforcing my certainty that all jews are depraved? What's even more funny is it never crosses their minds they might change viewpoints if they actually tried to be good, but kikes never are. They don't understand how to be good people. It is true this can get to you. This isn't for everyone.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 02:02.