Anonymous 10/02/2023 (Mon) 01:38 Id: 7659f4 No.91173 del
What about Israel? You talked about destroying it at length in the book of Ezekiel. If not Israel first, then at least nuke them both at the same time. I was forced to attend church every morning before class for what reason? I mean, why haven't you granted the one person who will do all of this for you right now super powers? You know damn well I would fly over New York and fry everyone with eye lasers at this very moment if I could.

The government like you said last time? Shit. Grant me super powers and say goodbye to the Pentagon. The White House. Congress. The Supreme Court. Every other stupid wasteful group of traitors bending over to take it up the ass by the Synagogue of Satan. Come on, "God". Your son was supposed to come back as your sword and cleave the wicked. What are you waiting for? Like some corporate CEO making promises for all our lives to be better but you never get around to it.