Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 19:10 Id: a87141 No.91339 del
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> it should be allowed to manufacture women at a lab
And how about rather to fix that hypergamy as its the core of nations strenght
Woman is more than a seed bed to be used (and there comes a lot of psychology between mother and child etc) and BDM etc is a good evidence of this and just picking these few examples
>Leni reifenstal
>Gertrude scholtz Klink
>Hanna Reitsch
>Gerdy Trooth
>Winifred Wagner
All of these came from ashes of degenerate weimar where women were basically a seed beds
Dont be an mgtow raise an swastika
>In this context, what should be the age of consent
17 at worst if i had to be pushed to corner to change it to marry and sexual consent at 18