Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:59 Id: 840fb6 No.91344 del
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But they amassed a good chunk of people with their kosher movement and sink the actuall movement with their dementia
MAGA movement wasnt just an funny meme it was an kosher front that sucesfully pacified the precious manpower
Tim Pool or PJW with Count Dankula or Sargon ok Akkad also made a large damage to movement by undermining it with libertarian or centrist poison forcing yet again anyone in actual movement to go outside of defensive war against many hypocrites and moral cowards filled with fantasies of feminine knight in shining armor that will save them

Reichsminister of propaganda joseph goebbels said it and it counts even today
And the examples are just an dumbasses who undermined movement if i would pull standart celebs etc thats on whole essay starting with cut for beiber shenanigans
>Anyone who is not attacked or praised by jew is useless and dangerous