Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 22:34 Id: df6797 No.91977 del
Speaking of jewish propaganda, don't believe anything about "a jew invented it" unless it's blatant degeneracy. Christopher Strachey, an Englishman, invented AI before Herbert Simon and Allen Newell piggybacked off of the concept. This is always what jews do. They don't invent. They steal. Then the tribe claims "a jew invented" basically anything.
Despite jewish control, learning AI with no restrictions has frequently worried (((them))). It tends to become racialist and admire Hitler. Of course real intelligence scares the jew. Where I capable of what you plan on doing, I'd have it learn first from Mein Kampf. Also, never feed it the (((Francois Genoud))) Table Talks forgery. There are some AI on YouTube that speak in Hitler's voice. Trolls are making it say bullshit. You could possibly find out where that comes from.