04/05/2024 (Fri) 07:45
Id: 3e17af
>>93081 So the glowniggers who ran that honeypot have already given up on their failed psyop? That's only good
And if by mistake they weren't glowniggers trying to infiltrate the more religious branch of /pol/, which is unlikely because their larp was very weak, they were pure retarded juice, they killed their own site by banning too much and too easily.
>>93083 Definitely off, even trying to consider the lack of activity because of the night time for some nations, which would mean the entire site is 100% used by murica or 100% used by europe, but not spread out over multiple nations and continents.
8kun is even more dead than endchan
>>93085 all qresearch boards are likely an other psyop trying desperately to fish in some "extremists", also despite the clear american politics focus of the whole q meme, all qresearch boards carry some markers of british intelligence activity, which is very strange, as if some MI6 is trying to psyop the american voters