Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:12 Id: e5e86d No.93250 del
Here is an incomplete list of murders inflicted by Jews practicing the Jewish faith.

Incomplete list of Jewish-inflicted murders:

Jewish mass-murder in the Hebrew Bible: over 2,821,360 Jews & non-Jews killed
116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyrene: approximately 220,000 non-Jews killed
116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyprus: approximately 240,000 non-Jews killed
1861-1865 A.D., American Civil War caused by Jewish African slave trade: over 616,000 non-Jews killed
1896-today A.D., Jewish psychiatry: over 500,000 non-Jews killed per year
1913 A.D., Jewish Leo Frank raped & murdered a child: 1 non-Jew killed
1917-today A.D., Jewish Marxist communism: over 100,000,000 non-Jews killed
1931-today A.D., Jewish sex-reassignment surgery: over 4,000 non-Jews sterilized
1948-today A.D., Jewish occupation of Palestine: over 31,000 non-Jews killed
1996-today A.D., Jewish Sackler family opioid crisis: over 240,000 non-Jews killed
2001-2021 A.D., American War in Afghanistan caused by Jewish "neocons": over 176,000 non-Jews killed
2003-2011 A.D., American War in Iraq caused by Jewish "neocons": over 800,000 non-Jews killed

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