Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:59 Id: e5e86d No.93268 del

The vast majority of the artillery strikes were in the area inhabited by Russian-speaking people who have been under military siege for the last 8 years. (14,000 ethnic Russians have been killed in the fighting since 2014.) The Minsk Agreements were drawn up to resolve the issues between the warring parties and end the hostilities, but the government in Kiev refused to implement the agreement. In fact, the former Jewish President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, even admitted that the treaty was just a vehicle for buying time until another full-scale offensive on the Donbas could be launched.

On February 16—a full 8 days before the Russian invasion—the shelling of the Donbas increased dramatically and steadily intensified for the next week “to over 2,000 artillery strikes per day on February 22.”

In Putin’s own words, he invaded Ukraine because he had no choice. Ukrainians were being ruthlessly exterminated by a Ukrainian government with a Jewish president. Putin felt a moral obligation to defend the Ukrainians in Ukraine who could not defend themselves.