Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 17:42 Id: e5e86d No.93284 del

As one example, it had been reported in several places that neither the US Congress nor the White House had any knowledge of the “CIA’s” MK-ULTRA program. I covered this in much detail in a previous article on MK-ULTRA. During Congressional hearings on an unrelated matter, one witness brought a colleague who began testifying on a bizarre mind-control program that was unknown to that date, which led to the exposure of MK-ULTRA – and the rapid destruction (so they said) of all related documents. The important point is that this enormous and horrific program, spanning decades, escaped external attention. MK-ULTRA was entirely a Jewish program. I have a list of the top 30 lieutenants of MK-ULTRA, from Gottlieb down, and all are Jews. This is not in dispute, and in fact I believe that of the top 50 or 60 people, only two or three at the most are not Jews. The question is how it would happen that an internal group of the “American CIA” would have had such a determined interest in such a horrific program and would have staffed it entirely with Jews.

Again, there are perhaps hundreds of articles and many books about the CIA importing heroin and cocaine and generally trafficking in drugs. Now, I have no illusions about the chastity of the CIA, and I’m sure many of their staff are sufficiently evil to do just this. But it doesn’t compute. It certainly is possible, but it doesn’t make sense that the “American CIA” would, entirely on its own account, become so deeply involved in international drug-running. But the Jews in the City of London cut their teeth on narcotics trafficking; in fact, this was the source of much of their initial fortunes. The Khazar Jews have always been among the world’s biggest drug dealers. Thus, if we attribute the drug trafficking to this central “private” core in the CIA that reports to the City of London, all the pieces fit together and everything makes sense. This would even explain why the HSBC is repeatedly fined so heavily in the US for laundering drug money; this is what the HSBC was created to do 150 years ago, and its headquarters are in the City. Even the small pieces fit perfectly.

Think again of the “CIA” assassination program. There is no way that the CIA by itself, rogue group or otherwise, would decide to kill 150 Presidents, Prime Ministers and other high government officials which, in the most part, would have no benefit whatever to the US. And no CIA group, rogue or not, would take it upon themselves to kill the Secretary-General of the UN, again with no apparent benefit to the US. But if we insert into this equation the political hegemony ambitions of the Jews in the City of London, the pieces again fit snugly together.