Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 08:11 Id: 6a6e8a No.93788 del
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>Same can be said about german national socialism, you can only judge the results. What lasting immunity did that short time grant the german people? Nothing.
Watch it. You can easily catch a ban for that kind of bullshit.
>were only a little bump over the total submission of germany to globohomo in the following decades
Because kikes overwhelmed little Germany with their corruption over major empires that were post monarchies.
>After cleaning up the damages done by the kike hold over europe, it's of most importance to reinstate the discipline of exercise
Again, you're projecting thoughts about the future and not a solid plan to first remove kikes.
>or as you summed up, everything gone wrong will just repeat itself.
No. You suggested everything would go wrong after jews are removed. I say otherwise.

>I don't think there is any particular plan or strategy in exercising the will to live.
I thought your particular plan was to keep the kikes around to build up an immunity? Right?
>random philosophizing about basic survival needs boiling down to "people need nourishment"
>it's all an individual matter, and the individuals will shape the group they are part of.
Groups have hive mentalities. The hive now, as they have been for decades, is bending over for ZOG. That's not just Germany. 14 nations of Europe have harsh penalties over rejecting the jew holocaust fraud.

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