Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 08:55 Id: cfbf97 No.93819 del
You don't get to dictate rules here. Our hatred of jews is far from mindless. We are the most thoughtful most well-researched ideology on Earth about what our enemy has gotten up to. The rest of you lemmings wandering around drooling all over yourselves moaning "not the jews" only wallow in your own ignorance.

You really thought you could come here and post endless bible verses to change our minds and stop hating the parasites that ruin everyone's lives? Stop the hate? No. I don't think so. The very bible you so adore, you ignore verses from >>92082 because you're a hypocrite. You won't read this history of their vile deeds because you would rather shut it out. Yet you hate as well. Your eyes burn at the suggestion of "pagans" and all those who fall under your brainwashed mental definition of "bigot".

The definition of bigot was different before (((Jacqui Safra))) bought out Encyclopedia Britannica to change the meanings of words. 12th century France is the origin. It means sanctimonious, religious hypocrite.

In other words: You. Blind to the Synagogue of Satan as so many of your flock. Fools who think jews are "great". Hypocrites who spout such filth as you accuse of filth.
You hate hypocritically, wanting our hate to stop while hating other religions as "pagans". Not even practicing what you preach.
We hate truthfully, respecting all religions but Judaism and Satanism, for those and their people are evil. You would know this if you weren't a stubborn hypocrite.